Qualified retirement
plan audit

Make sure your plan is getting a high-quality audit.
The DOL is making them a priority.

Take advantage of AGH's specialized team

Understanding that the process of auditing an employee benefit plan has many unique aspects that differentiate it from a financial-statement audit, AGH has developed and trained a specialized team that focuses on these types of audits.

See how our qualified retirement plan audit can help your organization.
Contact us to learn more.

Qualified retirement plan audit

Consider who benefits

Organizations whose retirement plan has 100 or more eligible participants

Consider the benefits

Meet Department of Labor (DOL) and Internal Revenue Service regulatory requirements under ERISA

Provide assurance that the retirement plan is handling employee contributions, enrollments, distributions and loans in compliance with plan guidelines and employees' instructions

How AGH's qualified retirement plan audit can help your organization

The DOL has made high-quality plan audits a priority and has issued guidance as to what qualifications a CPA firm should have to audit retirement plans. Additionally, the DOL has staffed up and increased its emphasis on enforcement and conducting its own audits.

Rather than treat plan audits as fill-in work for audit staff between other jobs, AGH has designated an employee benefit plan audit team leader, manager and selected audit staff for additional professional education related to ERISA and DOL requirements.

A recent study of CPA firm audits of employee benefit plans linked higher audit quality to these specific characteristics of an auditing firm. Here is how AGH stacks up against the DOL criteria:

DOL survey suggests AGH provides
Choose a firm with a significant employee benefit plan audit practice, not a firm that handles only one or two plans per year. AGH audits more than 60 employee benefit plans annually. (In the DOL’s survey, only 7% of the CPA firms audited more than 25 plans per year.)
Firms that are members of the AICPA Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center had higher-quality audits. AGH is one of fewer than 30 firms in the entire State of Kansas that is a member of the AICPA’s Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center.

Learn more about the benefits of a qualified retirement plan audit. Click to get started.

Aron Dunn

Senior Vice President
Assurance Services

Aron Dunn leads AGH’s employee benefit plan and agribusiness teams. He also has exeperience in employee benefit plan audits, mergers and acquisitions and refinancing.

Aron is a certified public accountant and a member of both the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the Kansas Society of Certified Public Accountants (KSCPA). He previously served as one of the youngest-ever KSCPA chairs and now leads KSCPA’s Auditing and Accounting task force and the Peer Review Process Improvement Task Force. He is also a past president of the Wichita Chapter of the KSCPA and a member of AICPA's Accounting & Review Services Committee, among other AICPA committees and task forces.

Zac Spear

Senior Vice President
Assurance Services
Manufacturing Industry Team Leader

Zac Spear has more than 10 years of public accounting experience. He leads the firm’s manufacturing industry team. Zac also manages the firm’s employee benefit plan audit practice; he has earned certification in employee benefit plan auditing from the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA).

Zac is a certified public accountant and a member of both the AICPA and the Kansas Society of CPAs (KSCPA). He was honored as one of the KSCPA’s “20 up to 40” young leaders program. Zac earned a bachelor’s degree in communications from the University of Kansas and a master’s of business administration from Baker University.