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Accounting & Finance

Contract signing purchase price allocation

What you need to know about purchase price allocation

Learn what a PPA is, common challenges, business considerations, and why it is important in a business transaction.

Business valuation questions

Maximize your business valuation: Ask these five questions

Ask these five questions during the business valuation process. It could save you more than you think.

Accounting & finance
Accounting and finance webinars

Accounting and finance webinars

Watch on-demand webinars covering various accounting and finance topics. The on-demand webinars are available 24/7 for your convenience.

Business valuation standards

What standard of value is applied to your business?

There are differences between the fair market value, fair value, and strategic value standards. The differences affect how your business is valued.

New lease accounting standard

A lease accounting change is coming. Are you prepared?

Start now on compiling your lease data. It reflects current year lease expenses in the income statement and discloses future payments.

LIBOR phase out

The phase-out of LIBOR

Many companies pay interest on variable rate loans based on LIBOR. How will this phase-out impact banking and the investment community?

Assessing internal controls

Internal control risk in your organization

Performing a policy and procedure evaluation is one way to identify such risk. The comprehensive evaluation should address these areas.

Utilizing data analytics

Using analytics to mitigate fraud

Applying data analytics to combat fraud, waste and abuse can help protect your assets and better manage your financial risk.

Preparing for audit

Preparing for an audit

While preparing for an audit can seem like a daunting and overwhelming task, these management tips can help you plan ahead and execute successfully.

Prepare now to implement FASB revenue recognition standard

Revenue recognition

How to identify new contract liabilities and how the standard will affect the processes and controls of revenue recognition.

Keys to becoming a more effective auditor

Keys to being an effective internal auditor

Being an effective internal auditor in today’s fast-paced, technology savvy environment can be challenging and overwhelming.

DIY v. AGH business valuation

DIY v. AGH Business Valuations

Understand the risks and benefits of DIY business valuation compared to business valuation from a highly trained and accredited professional.

Lease accounting

New Lease Accounting Standard

A high-level overview of major changes coming to FASB’s lease accounting standard.

Understanding balance sheets

Making Sense of Your Balance Sheet

Here’s a practical reference tool featuring key terms and performance indicators for your balance sheet.

Qualified business income deduction flowchart

Finance 101

Many business owners excel in the day-to-day operations of working with customers and delivering services or products. But they may not grasp the insight their financial statements can provide.

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Construction Industry

Construction KPIs

Using key performance indicators to manage in uncertain times

In the construction industry, an important gauge of your company’s performance can be comparing it to that of the best of your competition.

Tax methods for contractors

Choices of tax methods to recognize income for contractors

If you’re a contractor, you have more choices of tax methods to recognize income than most businesses. However, it carries many complexities.

PPP & construction industry

PPP provisions with unique application to construction

Don’t overlook certain documentation, expenses and planning opportunities applicable to the construction industry.

Davis Bacon Act for Contractors

Contractors: Davis-Bacon Act compliance

New opportunity to save tax dollars, win more government contracts and attract top talent.

Construction accounting methods

Accounting methods for contractors expanded

Newly eligible construction businesses should determine whether these would be advantageous and, if so, consider switching methods.

Building construction talent pipeline

Finding Skilled Labor in Construction

The need to build a strong talent pipeline grows as construction companies continue to see a lack of skilled labor to fill jobs in their organizations.

TCJA effect on construction industry

Construction and the TCJA

The construction industry can make good economic times even better by taking advantage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Communication in construction

Communication in Construction

As construction companies struggle to find and retain qualified workers, they are often overlooking an essential tool for employers: communication.

KS tax effects on construction

Kansas Tax Changes Affect Construction

With the non-wage business income exemption repealed, it’s time for construction companies to reexamine their tax strategy.

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Family Business

Family Business
Generations of family business

Family businesses: Back to the basics

Family businesses are unique and complex situations. The three-circle framework can help families manage their business and their family.

Family Business
Family business podcast episode

Podcast: The Value of Belonging

Family business owners can often feel alone. In this episode of The Family Business Podcast, Daniel White explores the value of belonging to a membership organization or a peer group specifically tailored to the issues and challenges of being in business with your family.

Family Business
Succession and Exit Planning Podcast

Podcast: Guiding change in family businesses

AGH's Daniel White talks about the dynamics around guiding change in family businesses in the midst of the additional challenges from COVID-19.

Family Business
Family business next generation

Next Generation of Family Business

There’s a lot that goes into developing your family business’ next generation of leadership. Don’t wait to start.

Family Business
Business successors

Passing the Baton

Your organization’s key positions need successors in place. Here are some factors to keep in mind when finding and preparing them.

Family Business
Family business stumbling blocks

Obstacles for Family Businesses

As family businesses grow, they’ll need to overcome new hurdles surrounding management and succession planning.

Family Business
Family business

Family and Business

Strike while the iron is cool. The right preparation can prevent destructive outcomes and create positive resolutions, strengthening both the family and the organization.

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Financial Industry

Kansas bank tax savings

New Kansas law provides permanent tax savings to financial institutions

Senate Bill 15 allows privilege tax deductions for financial institutions on interest from agricultural real estate and single-family residence loans.

CECL standard change

What CECL method does your bank plan on using?

This summer is a good time to revisit the upcoming CECL standard change. See survey results for where other community banks are in their CECL process.

Internal controls for banks

Evaluating internal control structure during disruption

Banks are facing an unprecedented amount of disruption to customers, employees and the internal operations within their institutions.

Connecting with customers during COVID

Connecting with customers and prospects during COVID

Staying connected with customers and prospects is essential, especially in times of uncertainty. Get creative as we navigate the new business environment.

Cannabis banking

Cannabis in banking and impact on BSA practices

The decision to bank marijuana-related businesses creates additional steps for banks regarding their Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) practices.

Banking talent pipeline

Strategies to address your talent pipeline

While banks are seeing tremendous growth, they also continue to see a lack of talent to fill the jobs that will be created as a result of this potential growth.

Banking accounting methods

Accounting methods for financial institutions expanded

Newly eligible businesses should determine whether this method change would be advantageous and, if so, consider switching methods.

TCJA effect on banking industry

Banking and the TCJA

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act contains a number of provisions all businesses should be aware of. Here are some significant sections that affect the banking industry.

CECL effect on purchase accounting methods

CECL's Effect on Purchase Accounting Methods

Expect CECL's effect to be felt when the standard becomes effective in 2020 for publicly traded banks and 2021 for all other banks.

CECL preparation for banks

Banks Need to Prep for CECL

Financial institutions must prepare now for big changes in how they calculate loan and lease losses. CECL becomes effective in 2020 for SEC filers and 2021 for all others.

information security keyboard

Banks & Cybersecurity

What do banks need to know about managing cybersecurity risk to help protect themselves against cyber attacks? Brian Johnson puts the threats into context for banking leaders.

FFIEC Assessment basics

FFIEC Assessment Basics

The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) created a risk assessment tool to help financial institutions manage their cybersecurity risks.

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Government & Public Sector

Public Sector

GASB 87 refresher for the public sector

GASB 87 covers the Governmental Accounting Standards Board’s update on leases. It defines lessee and lessor protocol and narrows the definition of a lease.

GFOA award submission change

How applying for GFOA COA award will be different

The GFOA announced a new requirement to apply for the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting award.

Government webinars

Government webinars

Watch on-demand webinars covering various government topics. The on-demand webinars are available 24/7 for your convenience.

Government ransomware mitigation

Ransomware in the public sector

Ransomware is a real threat to the government sector. Learn more about common entry methods, ways to minimize the risks, and how ransomware has directly affected the public sector.

Distance learning disruptions

Cyber actors cause disruptions to K-12 distance learning

As distance learning continues for educational institutions, so do cyber-attacks. The attacks are expected to continue through the school year.

CARES act for state and local governments

CARES Act: Relief for state & local governments

Title VI outlines appropriate use of funds for providing coronavirus aid, relief and economic security during the COVID-19 pandemic.

OMB issues Single Audit extension

OMB issues Single Audit extension due to COVID-19

Memorandum provides short term relief for administrative, financial management and audit requirements for federal awards.

Workplace violence

Protecting government employees from workplace violence

It is the employer’s responsibility to actively combat the possibility of an attack and to minimize the effects should one occur.

Davis Bacon Act for government entities

Davis-Bacon Act compliance

Governmental entities that enter into contracts with Davis-Bacon requirements must include the required prevailing wage rate clauses in the contracts or subcontracts.

Single Audit Update

Single audit update on micro-purchases threshold

The micro-purchases threshold has been raised. What does this mean for you?

Government audit success

Governments: Preparing for a Successful Audit

While preparing for an audit can seem like a daunting and overwhelming task, these management tips can help you plan ahead and execute successfully.

GASB 45 v. 75

GASB Statement 45 vs 75

This infographic covers four of the major changes the Governmental Accounting Standards Board has made from statement 45 to 75.

Government financial plan

Long Term Planning for Governments

Who should be involved in long-term financial planning in what roles during mobilization, analysis, decisions and implementation?

Government financial management

Financial Planning for Governments

Long-term financial planning is a step-by-step process to help government leaders (both elected and staff) look ahead.

Managing government debt

Managing Government Debt

Before issuing debt for major capital projects, it’s often helpful to rely on a checklist of factors to consider for the best results in a bond issuance.

Fiscal policies

Government Fiscal Policies

Having well-thought-out fiscal policies in place can help governmental entities mitigate risk, increase fiscal soundness, and serve as good stewards of taxpayer funds.

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Human Resources & Payroll

US District Court in Texas Sets Aside Overtime Rule; Characterization of Exempt and Non-exempt Employees

US District Court in Texas Sets Aside Overtime Rule; Characterization of Exempt and Non-exempt Employees

On Nov. 15, a federal court decision blocked the planned increase in the salary threshold for white-collar overtime exemptions.

Human Resources
HR audit guide

The ultimate guide to HR audits

An HR audit can help you understand whether your HR practices are benefitting or hampering your organization. Our guide covers everything you need to know about HR audits: what they are, who should conduct one, and how to perform one.

Human Resources
Human Resources (HR) webinars

Compensation & benefits webinars

Watch on-demand webinars covering various compensation and benefits topics. The on-demand webinars are available 24/7 for your convenience.

FTC Ban on Non-compete Agreements Approaching – Federal Judge Blocks Ruling

FTC Ban on Non-compete Agreements Approaching – Federal Judge Blocks Ruling

In April, the FTC banned non-compete clauses for most employees. The United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas blocked the rule.

Human Resources

Discussing Employee Reclassification:
Key Points for Conversations About Exempt and Non-exempt Status

Recent changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act may prompt employers to reclassify employees from exempt to non-exempt status.

Classification of Independent Contractors

DOL publishes final rule for classification of employee vs. independent contractor

The final rule affirms that a worker is not an independent contractor if they are, as matter of economic reality, economically dependent on an employer for work, using six factors.

Human Resources
Pregnant worker

New protections for pregnant workers and nursing mothers

New laws place new requirements on employers for pregnant workers and nursing mothers. Get up to speed with this overview.

New Form I-9 compliance requirements

Form I-9 physical inspection required along with new form

Recent updates to I-9 compliance, including in-person verification and a new form, are going into effect soon. Here is what you need to know.

Independent contractor agreement

Ensure independent contractors are properly classified

Independent contractors can help ease staffing shortages and address other labor issues. But make sure you classify them appropriately.

Human Resources
2022 employer survey

Employer survey: Key findings and statistics

This collection of data across seven areas AGH considers most important to navigating business gives insight into the current economic and hiring climate.

Social Security tax wage base increase

The Social Security tax wage base is going up

The wage base for computing Social Security tax is increasing from $147,000 as of 2022 to $160,200 for 2023. Wages above this threshold aren’t taxable.

Fringe benefits taxation

How to know when benefits are taxable

Many fringe benefits are taxable to the employee. The line is blurry when exceptions apply. Learn more about fringe benefits taxation from a recent court case.

Accounting year-end to-dos

Accounting year-end to-dos

With year-end approaching, review these key reminders and steps to take for year-end payroll and accounting compliance reporting.

Human Resources
2023 HSA inflation

Inflation enhances the 2023 amounts for Health Savings Accounts

The 2023 inflation adjustment figures include a higher annual contribution limitation and a redefinition of high deductible health plans.

Human Resources
Recruiting women

Strategies to draw talented women to your company

Companies have found it challenging to fill roles with new female talent and keep them long-term. Here’s what women are looking for now.

OSHA ETS stayed by Supreme Court

Supreme Court rules on vaccine mandates

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled to send the vaccine-or-testing mandate back to the court of appeals. Find out what this means for employers with 100+ employees.

OSHA ETS for vaccination and testing stay lifted

OSHA mandate heads to Supreme Court and new proposal could affect all employers

OSHA’s vaccine-or-testing mandate stay has been lifted and appealed to the Supreme Court. OSHA is also proposing a permanent rule that could affect all employers.

Employee retention credit guidance

IRS issues guidance on Employee Retention Credit retroactive termination

IRS issued guidance for employers who received an ERC advance payment or retained payroll taxes after September 30, 2021, and will need to repay those amounts.

Employee retention credit terminated

Employee Retention Credit retroactively terminated

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act terminated the ERC early. Learn more about the cutoff date and penalties involved.

Year-end payroll preparation

Year-end: It’s the most wonderful time of the year

Year-end is a busy time for the payroll department. Here are some proactive steps you can take to stay on top of things.

Human Resources
Recruitment & retention

What matters in today’s labor market

The labor market is challenging. Compensation, flexibility, and purpose can help you recruit and retain the talent you need.

OSHA ETS for vaccination and testing

OSHA announces new vaccination and testing requirement

OSHA has issued a new Emergency Temporary Standard for employers with 100 or more employees. See what’s required and when enforcement could begin.

ERTC update

Take advantage of the Employee Retention Tax Credit before it is too late

The ERTC has been expanded and its benefits boosted since its inception. See if you can claim up to $7,000 per employee per quarter in tax credits.

Human Resources
Recruitment and retention best practices

How to avoid the Great Resignation

Find good talent, develop it, and keep it. Review your policies and processes in these key areas to avoid the Great Resignation.

Biden COVID action plan

Employer requirements in President Biden’s COVID-19 Action Plan

Review what steps employers can begin addressing now to prepare for the forthcoming guidance from President Biden’s COVID-19 Action Plan.

Human Resources
Using workplace assessments

Using assessments to increase likelihood of a successful hire

Using assessments as part of your hiring process can increase the likelihood of a successful hire from a coin flip to as much as 70% for some positions.

Human Resources
Employee retention and career development

Retain employees through career development

One of the biggest drivers of employee engagement and retention is investing in the employee’s ongoing learning and development.

Human Resources
EEOC charge

How to avoid and manage EEOC discrimination charges

Have 15 or more employees? You are subject to Equal Employment Opportunity laws. Learn more about the agency that enforces those laws and how to manage your risk.

Human Resources
Employee policy review

How to review employee policies

Employee policies help employees understand the expectations at the workplace. They help managers manage better. They keep the organization running smoothly.

Human Resources
COVID vaccine policy

What the arrival of the COVID vaccine means for employers

Employers should plan now for what requirements or recommendations they may have of employees for getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

Human Resources
Showing employees appreciation

Showing your employees appreciation

Do your employees feel appreciated? Here are some basic guidelines to become more effective at providing employee appreciation and recognition to employees.

Human Resources
HR audit checklist

HR audit checklist for the busy executive

An HR audit project checklist can help you identify the resources needed, and the time required, to see if you can get buy-in from stakeholders.

Employee retention credit

Employee retention credit extended and expanded

Significant enhancements to and expansion of the employee retention credit were included in The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021.

Human Resources
Red flags signaling the need for an HR audit

Four red flags that signal the need for an HR audit

Performing regular HR audits help improve operations and performance through examining processes, policies and documentation.

IRS updates limits

IRS released updated limits for 2021

There will be little change for contributions and benefit limits in the new year.

Employees and COVID during the holiday season

COVID-19 and the holidays

COVID-19 cases continue to rise, and the holidays are right around the corner. Review the following resources and consider communicating information to your employees to help mitigate the spread of the virus.

Human Resources
Voluntary benefits for employees

Does your organization offer voluntary benefits?

Offering a robust voluntary benefits program enhances and fills gaps for both employers and employees. Take time to review your current plans.

New 1099-NEC form

What you need to know about the return of form 1099-NEC

The IRS brought back Form 1099-NEC. Here’s what you need to know about the form and issues to consider related to it.

Guidance on executive action deferring payroll taxes

IRS guidance on executive action deferring payroll taxes

The guidance is brief, and employers will likely still have questions about whether, and how, to implement the deferral. The President’s action only defers Social Security taxes; it doesn’t forgive them.

Human Resources
Pay equality

Ensuring pay equity for women

More than a decade after the most recent pay equity law was signed into law, we still see compensation inequity in our workplaces. Here are some tips to stop it.

IRS provides relieft for retirement plan loans/distributions

IRS guidance provides RMD rollover relief

IRS guidance has provided relief to individual taxpayers affected by COVID-19 who take distributions or loans from retirement plans and offers guidance to employers regarding the administration of loan relief.

Human Resources
New I-9 form

New 941 form for second quarter payroll reporting

The IRS has revised Form 941 in response to payroll reporting changes resulting from COVID-19 stimulus.

U.S. Supreme Court rules on Title VII

U.S. Supreme Court issues landmark ruling on Title VII

Sexual orientation and transgender status are protected employment categories.

Final electronic disclosure rules

Final electronic disclosure rules for retirement plans

The Department of Labor (DOL) published the final rules for electronic disclosure of required documents pertaining to retirement plans. Here is a list of the top questions and answers on what it may mean for you and your plan.

Human Resources
New I-9 form

New Form I-9 effective

The new form is dated 10/21/19 and expires 10/31/22. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) publishes a paper I-9 Form and an electronic, fillable I-9 Form.

Employment tax deposit relief

Employment tax deposit relief

IRS has issued guidance providing relief from failure to make employment tax deposits.

Final regulations for FFCRA and Cares Act

Final regulations issued for FFCRA & CARES Act

DOL regulations address key provisions related to paid sick leave and family medical leave that were effective April 1.


CARES Act: New retirement plan participant options

The Act provides new benefits to retirement plan participants that meet COVID-19 eligibility requirements.

DOL updates on Families First Coronavirus Response Act

New DOL updates on FFCRA

Department of Labor provides additional guidance for employers related to requirements of Families First Coronavirus Response Act.

DOL guidance on Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Guidance issued on FFCRA

The Department of Labor issues limited guidance and additional resources following recent enactment of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.

Coronavirus Response Act

President signs Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Act includes important provisions designed to aid the economy, support individual financial stability and curb the spread of COVID-19.

New form W-4

IRS issues new Form W-4

Beginning in 2018, the TCJA made significant changes to tax rates, deductions, tax credits and personal exemptions, which changed to zero. The IRS released new withholding tables for 2018 and 2019, but Form W-4 remained largely unchanged until now.

Human Resources
2020 COLA limit

IRS announces updates

The IRS recently announced the new 2020 amounts for 401(k) deferral limits, IRA contribution limits, Social Security wage base and more.

Human resources
ERISA audit

Employee benefit plan audit changes

Changes to employee benefit plan audits begin to take effect for audits of these plans for the year ended December 31, 2020.

Human Resources
Workplace violence

Protecting your employees from workplace violence

It is the employer’s responsibility to actively combat the possibility of an attack and to minimize the effects should one occur.

DOL announces overtime pay changes' information

DOL announces overtime pay changes

The US Department of Labor has published changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act that will affect which employees are eligible for overtime pay.

Paycheck checkup is recommended by the IRS for all taxpayers

Paycheck checkup

After paycheck checkup, the payroll withholding employees have in place may no longer fit their revised tax situation.

Human Resources
Five things to avoid in your 401k plan

Five things to avoid in your 401(k) plan

There are several aspects of a 401(k) plan that employers should consider when choosing what is best for their employees and business.

Human Resources
IRS 2018 tax limits

New 2018 Fringe Benefit Limits

IRS recently came out with limits on Social Security wage base, funding retirement plans, health savings account contributions, and more.

Year-end employee benefit plan

2017 Year-End Employee Benefit Plans

There are rising risks and complexities for plan administration as the year ends. Here are some key areas plan administrators need to focus on.

Overtime eligibility

Judge blocks overtime rule

The earlier stay on additional overtime eligibility has become a permanent block. Also, pay reporting on EEO-1 is suspended.

New I-9 form

New Form I-9; use by Sept. 18

USCIS issued a slightly revised Form I-9 which employers must implement by Sept. 18 or face potential penalties.

Human Resources
HR adding value

The Value of Human Resources

HR pros affect the bottom line through your key assets – your talent.

Phishing email

Watch out for these email scams

Awareness of email scams and social engineering is your best bet to protect your company from new fraud schemes.

Human Resources
Employee background checks

Employee Background Checks

Like most aspects of business, the handling of background checks is subject to government rules.

Human Resources
HR phishing

Employee Information Hacking

Keeping your employees' information safe starts with accepting that your company's IT security is only as strong as its weakest employee's understanding of information security.

Human Resources
Drug testing

7 Guidelines for Drug Testing

The following steps should help you ensure a safe, healthy and productive work environment.

EB plan audits increasing

DOL Audits to Increase?

The Department of Labor appears to be sending plan sponsors two parallel messages based on its hiring trends and a 2015 DOL study of employee benefit plan audit quality.

Human Resources
Fixing the skilled labor gap

Skilled Labor Gap & How To Fix It

Employers must continue to put solid efforts into looking for ways to recruit and retain their current workforce as well as plan for future employment needs.

SPDs to all employees

SPDs to All Employees

A recent court case demonstrates that using intranets/internal websites or common-area postings (such as a break room posting) isn't enough to ensure all employees receive SPD.

Timely deposits scrutinized by DOL

Timely Deposits Scrutinized

DOL is cracking down on employers who are late depositing employee earmarked funds withheld from their paychecks into their retirement plan.

Payroll compliance

Payroll Compliance

All too often, businesses get in trouble with the IRS because they do not understand the intricacy of payroll tax laws.

Human Resources
Costly retirement plan mistakes

Retirement Plan "Sins"

Even the smallest mistakes must be corrected or a plan is subject to IRS disqualification, leaving plan sponsors and employees potentially subject to increased taxes on funds in the plan.

Human Resources
Absence policy

What's Your Absence Policy?

Employees need time to recharge their batteries and recuperate from sickness or stress. To that end, many employers give their employees paid leave as part of their benefits package.

Human Resources
Retirement plan risks

Retirement Plan Risks

5 questions plan sponsors should ask about their retirement plan.

Human Resources
Why you need an employee handbook

Why You Need An Employee Handbook

An employee handbook serves as the bible of a company, providing the answers to some of the most basic employment questions.

Human Resources
Managing personnel files

Managing Personnel Files

Every employee's personnel file should contain his or her complete employment history. This should include the job application, resume and employment agreements and exit interview.

Human Resources
HR audits and cost savings

HR Audit: Don't Delay

HR audits examine employee processes and procedures for compliance with federal employment laws, alignment with the organization’s business strategy, and HR best practices.

Human Resources
What is an HR audit

Do You Need An HR Audit?

The results of a human resources audit help organizations reduce risk, increase productivity, enhance profits, and become an employer of choice.

Human Resources
What to do before an employee leaves

Before An Employee Leaves

Whether an employee leaves your company amicably on his or her own terms or after being fired, there are a number of steps businesses should take to ensure their security.

Top payroll tax mistakes

Top Payroll Tax Mistakes

Payroll tax payments are federally mandated and you must withhold the tax amount from employees' paychecks. Despite your willingness to adhere to the law, mistakes can still happen.

Human Resources
401k plan statistics and trends

401(k) Plan Statistics Trends

Employers can optimize their 401(k) plans so employees contribute to their plans. Several key trends may affect a plan's ability to attract an employee's hard-earned savings.

Human Resources
Terminating an employee

Terminating An Employee

Terminations have an effect on company morale, but more importantly, if you're not careful you can open yourself up to legal action in the form of a wrongful termination lawsuit.

Understand overtime compliance

Understanding Overtime

As is the case with most laws, overtime laws have some exceptions. Not all employees are entitled to overtime. And not all employers are required to pay it.

Avoid payroll tax issues

8 Ways to Avoid Payroll Tax Issues

Since the IRS expects you to manage and pay your employees' payroll taxes, it is your responsibility to make sure these are done.

Human Resources
Compensation reviews

Compensation Reviews

If you haven’t done a compensation review in the last couple of years, it’s time. This infographic captures the key points you need to know for conducting a compensation review.

Human Resources
I-9 audits

Avoiding an I-9 Audit

I-9 compliance is tough for many businesses and it's easy for companies to be levied large fines if regulations are not followed appropriately.

Human Resources
Improve your HR skills

Improve Your HR Skills

To help strengthen your HR skills, and in turn your employee recruiting skills, we have listed four tips for anyone responsible hiring and retaining key personnel.

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Leadership & Management

Change management meeting

Making change stick: A three-step framework

Do you need help implementing change in your organization? Use this framework to help implement and instill the change.

CFOs can help manage labor risks

CFOs have a role in easing the labor crunch

CFOs help manage their organization’s risk. With their unique perspective, they should consider these three areas to manage their labor risks.

Organizational development webinars

Organizational development webinars

Watch on-demand webinars covering various organizational development topics. The on-demand webinars are available 24/7 for your convenience.

Business reflection

Back-to-basics checklist for your business

Back to school marks the start of a new academic year. It offers a time to pause, reflect, and plan for students. Shouldn’t your organization do the same?

CFO role in 2021

The challenge for CFOs in 2021: Managing risk amidst renewed optimism

The CFO role continues to expand. With their unique financial viewpoint, the CFO is influencing strategy and identifying opportunities while managing risk.

Strategic planning during uncertainty

How strategic planning can help in uncertain times

Times seem uncertain but don’t let that stop you from continuing forward in your organizations strategic planning process.

Organizational managmenet Podcast

Podcast: Organizational leadership

Daniel White discusses working on the business rather than working in the business. He has some great advice for leaders and how to develop people within your organization.

Practicing employee soft skills

Soft skills cannot be learned; they must be practiced

To survive in the current and future marketplace, businesses must continue to focus on improving both technical and soft skills. However, it’s important to understand that each skillset requires a different approach.

Employee soft skills

Why everyone needs better soft skills

By taking the time to increase your self-awareness, you will be on your way to developing the soft skills that will help you become a more effective, compelling and valued professional.

Managing the next generation

The key to managing the next generation? Authenticity

While there are many helpful tips out there for managing the next generation in the workforce, many of them boil down to one-character trait: being authentic.

Innovation after COVID

Your business in a post-coronavirus world

Now that many organizations have dealt with the immediate needs of responding to the pandemic, it is time for leaders to think about the future.

Soft skills gap

Top five soft skill gaps & how to overcome them

Despite the importance of soft skills, many still struggle with them, and everyone has room to grow.

2020 operational concerns for CFOs

Top concerns for CFOs in 2020

As the new decade gets underway, research shows resistance to change, succession challenges and cyberthreats are among the top concerns.

Strategic doing

Strategic planning v. strategic doing

For many leaders, strategic planning is not a meaningful activity. They have seen plans fail and don’t see the point in planning.

Strategic CFO

Managing Disruption

As our environment continues to change, the CFO’s role in managing risk has become more than just the numbers.

Personal development

Invest in Yourself

Personal development is more than formalized education. Learn how you can max out your potential with these tips.

Providing effective feedback

Provide Effective Feedback

Increase employees’ professional growth by providing both positive and negative feedback effectively.

Organizational strategy algorithm

How Does Your Strategy Stack Up?

Three questions to help gauge your organization’s strategic alignment.

Managing remote workers

How to Manage Remote Employees

Use these four tips to get the best results when managing remote employees.

Setting your agenda

Prioritize & Learn to Say No

How learning to say no can open up time and resources for your top priorities as a leader.

Bridging differences picture

4 Steps to Bridging Differences

Use these steps to move past workplace differences and start connecting with co-workers.

Board of directors

Myths About Boards of Directors

Don’t let these myths keep you from assembling a board of directors.

Mission and vision for recruitment

Purpose as a Recruitment Tool

One of your organization’s most effective recruitment tools comes from what may seem like an unlikely source.

Strategic planning derailments

Why Strategic Plans Can Fail

Whether it’s thinking too big, too fuzzily, or too rigidly, strategic plans can fail for a variety of reasons – here are 6 to be wary of.

Writing employee warning

Writing Employee Warnings

A written warning can be useful in getting an employee to realize the severity of his or her behavior. It also can provide legal protection from a wrongful termination lawsuit.

Strategic planning failures

Strategic Plan Failures

This article sheds light on why strategic plans fail and what organizations can do to get back on track.

Mission and vision

Understand Your Organization's Why

Organizations must recognize why they exist before they can truly succeed in how they carry out their mission.

Motivate your employees

Motivate Your Employees

Unlike traditional employee recognition programs, positive reinforcement helps develop employees who not only do their jobs well but also look for opportunities to consistently go above and beyond.

manager-employee meeting

Struggling With Employees?

Too often, performance management can become a paperwork exercise completed more to meet deadlines than to yield results.

Manager-employee meeting

More Effective Employee Meetings

What is the right way to conduct effective meetings between managers and direct reports? Use this checklist to get the most from one-on-one meetings.

CFO of the future

The CFO of the Future

The requirements for a top CFO have evolved quickly from a transactional, data-reporting role to one now responsible for strategic management of the organization’s assets.

Improve soft skills

Improving Employee Soft Skills

The term “soft skills” has more to do with how employees act than what they know – skills such as collaboration, problem solving, conflict resolution, and communication.

Build a board of directors

Build A Strong Board

Developing a board that truly adds value is not an easy task; it takes keen self-examination and planning on the part of senior leadership.

Avoid job burnout

Avoiding Job Burnout

Many people suffer from job burnout, particularly in today's challenging economic conditions. But burnout can often be alleviated.

Tough conversations on the job

Tough Conversations

We assembled the following six steps to help you with a difficult discussion (although we suggest getting an HR professional's advice when dealing with critical HR issues).

Cyberslacking at the office

Cyber Slacking In Your Organization

It's all too common to stroll by an employee's desk and catch him/her surfing the Web -- obviously, for personal use not business-related research.

Employee engagement

Your Employees Are Disengaged

Engaged employees who are committed, putting forth extra effort and who feel connected to the organization don’t get that way because of a “program.” See what you can do to keep them engaged.

Improving working relationships

Improve Relationships

No matter what size company you work for, you have probably seen a disconnect between management and team members.

Boost your office performance

Boost Your Performance

The key to improving your performance is not to be overwhelmed by setbacks or problems but to control problems and improve how your work gets done.

Solving business problems

Solving Business Problems

Everyone experiences problems at work, but how we approach these problems makes all the difference in how well we resolve them in an efficient manner.

Employee motivation

Employee Motivation

The job of owners, directors or managers is to get things done through their employees. And to make this happen, leaders need to be able to motivate their staff.

Be a better leader

You Can Be A Better Leader

We have put together a number of tips to help you or someone you know become a better leader in the coming months.

Word-of-mouth advertising

Free Word-of-Mouth Advertising

Word-of-mouth advertising is one of the cheapest and most effective types of advertising. In order to make this happen, you need to get out of your office and network.

Better employee reviews

Conducting Better Employee Reviews

To get the most out of your employee reviews, we have listed crucial steps that need to be taken to ensure an effective employee performance review.

Managing expectations

Managing Expectations

Managers should not underestimate the power of managing expectations. In fact, the reality of managing expectations revolves around three simple principles.

Keep a healthy office

Maintaining A Healthy Workplace

Research has proven that the more uncomfortable a worker feels, the less productive he or she is for the company.

community service networking

Community Service

Networking through community service is a win-win situation. Your company will benefit from the exposure and you will feel good knowing that you are helping your community.

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Manufacturing Industry

Bullwhip effect management

Managing the bullwhip effect

The bullwhip effect can bloat your inventory levels and leave you with obsolete inventory. Learn more about managing the peaks and troughs of the bullwhip effect.

Trade Adjustment Assistance

Grants available to assist manufacturers

For manufacturers, the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program can help provide additional financial support in times of uncertainty.

Manufacturing M&A trends

M&A trends in manufacturing

The volume of M&A activity is one of the indicators available to help identify trends within the manufacturing industry.

Could a cost segregation study help you accelerate depreciation deductions?

How to reduce taxes and boost cash flow

Businesses that acquire, construct or substantially improve a building - or did so in previous years can utilize a cost segregation study to accelerate depreciation deductions.

Manufacturing accounting methods

Accounting methods for manufacturers expanded

Newly eligible manufacturing businesses should determine whether these would be advantageous and, if so, consider switching methods.

Manufacturing risks

Vulnerabilities beyond IT

While it is necessary to bolster cyber defenses, manufacturers should not lose sight of other vulnerabilities.

Building manufacturing talent pipeline

Finding Skilled Labor in Manufacturing

The need to build a strong talent pipeline grows as manufacturing organizations continue to see a lack of skilled labor to fill jobs in their organizations.

Manufacturing inudstry and TCJA picture

Manufacturing and the TCJA

Good economic times can be made even better by taking advantage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

HPIP for manufacturers

High Performance Incentive Program

Kansas manufacturers can earn significant tax breaks through the High Performance Incentive Program.

What is the IC-DISC?

What is the IC-DISC?

For many companies with export sales, setting up an IC-DISC, or Interest-Charge Domestic International Sales Corporation, can deliver significant tax savings.

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Retirement Plan

Roth 401k

To Roth or Not to Roth

Just like the original Roth IRA, the Roth 401(k) account has the specific advantage of growing tax-free, but the 401(k) version doesn't have the associated income limits.

Retirement notebook

Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act: SECURE 2.0

The SECURE 2.0 Act, a significant update to the retirement savings landscape, introduces several provisions that go into effect on January 1, 2025.

Retirement Plan
Retirement plan webinars

Retirement plan webinars

Watch on-demand webinars covering various retirement plan topics. The on-demand webinars are available 24/7 for your convenience.


Long Term Part Time Employees may need to be included in your retirement plan

Beginning January 1, 2024, Long Term Part Time Employees will be allowed to enter retirement plans for making employee deferrals.


SECURE 2.0 Update

New provisions and opportunities will be available for retirement plans beginning in 2024.

IRS extends catch-up contributions

IRS issues extension for catch-up contributions

The IRS issued a notice to plan sponsors and retirement plan providers giving relief to certain catch-up contribution requirements in 2024.

Retirement plan
DOL participant count rule change

DOL changes plan participant count methodology

A recent DOL rule change may mean certain plans no longer need an audit. Learn more about what changed and how it affects employee benefit plans.

Retirement plan
SECURE tax credits

SECURE Act provides tax credits for certain employers

The recent SECURE Act offers tax credits for small employers starting new employee retirement plans and for employers with current plans.

Retirement plan
Tax Saver's Credit

Benefits of the new Tax Saver's Credit

The Tax Saver's Credit, part of the Secure 2.0 Act, provides a tax credit for eligible employees based on retirement plan contributions to boost participation.


SECURE 2.0 introduces retirement plan changes effective immediately

Recent legislation was enacted that brings significant change for retirement plans. Learn more about what SECURE 2.0 is changing.

Retirement Plan
Retirement plan document retention

A comprehensive look at document retention

Once you take the first step, compiling a system to keep files in compliance with record retention is a straightforward process.

Retirement Plan
2022 COLA increases

Inflation means you can save more for retirement in 2023

You and your employees can save more for retirement. The IRS announced that 2023 will bring an increase in limitations for 401(k)s, SEP, SIMPLE, and others.

Retirement Plan
Retirement plan uncertainty

401(k) practices for plan sponsors and participants during economic uncertainty

The Federal Reserve is trying to tackle high inflation. With interest rates up and stocks taking a battering, how do you manage your 401(k)? These areas can help.

Retirement Plan
Retirement plan document restatement deadline

The IRS’ Cycle 3 Document Restatement deadline

Everything you need to know about this year’s IRS Cycle 3 document restatement due July 31, and how to improve your retirement plan.

Retirement Plan
Best practices for 401k

Ten steps to success in your 401(k) or 403(b) plan

Here are 10 best practices that have helped thousands of employees succeed with their employer saving plan. See which ones you are missing out on.

Retirement Plan
retirement plan fees

Paying fees from plan assets

You have the option to use plan assets to pay some plan expenses, as long as you follow the Department of Labor and IRS rules.

Retirement Plan
CARES Act for retirement plans

What the CARES Act means for you

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act includes provisions that may apply to your retirement plan. Here are some important highlights to know first.

Retirement Plan


The goal of our nation’s retirement system is to create more opportunities for American workers to save and to make it easier for employers like you to start and maintain benefit plans.

Retirement Plan
Your world evolves and your retirement plan should, too

Your world evolves and your retirement plan should, too

As time passes, many things in your world may change and any of them could be a good reason to meet with us to make sure your plan aligns with your evolving needs and goals.

Retirement Plan
Four things to know about ERISA fidelity bonds and fiduciary liability insurance

Four things to know about ERISA

Here are a few quick things to know about what fidelity bonds do and do not cover, who needs protection, how coverage requirements work and options to pay for it.

Retirement Plan
Plan statement document

It’s time to restate your defined benefit plan document

Every retirement plan is required to have a formal written document that spells out how it operates.

Retirement Plan
Encourage greater participation with a QACA safe harbor

Encourage greater participation with a QACA safe harbor

There are several matching formulas or non-elective contributions an employer can make to satisfy a safe harbor requirement.

Retirement Plan
retirement plan design

Aligning plan design with your goals

Learn more about plan design options that may create a better fit for you, and your employees.

Retirement Plan
Advantages of an unbundled retirement plan solution

Advantages of an unbundled retirement plan solution

In retirement plan terms, that can be a good way to think about the difference between a bundled solution from a single provider and an unbundled solution delivered by multiple specialists.

Retirement Plan
Understanding financial statement audits

Understanding financial statement audits

There are two groups of plans that the Department of Labor requires to have financial statement audits by an independent qualified public accountant, or CPA.

Retirement Plan
Maximizing a business owner's retirement benefit

Maximizing a business owner's retirement benefit

We can suggest several retirement plan designs and individual plan features that can help you reach your goals. Depending on your situation, here's a quick snapshot of some of the most popular.

Retirement Plan
Understanding how forfeitures work in your retirement plan

Understanding how forfeitures work in your retirement plan

When an employee leaves before being fully vested, the non-vested portion of their account is forfeited back to the plan. Generally, your plan has one of three options about how to use forfeited monies.

Retirement Plan
Not taking retirement loans

The loan they never take may make all the difference

Today, there's a good bit of debate about how participant loans affect long-term retirement outcomes.

Retirement Plan
Plan fiduciary services and why they matter

Plan fiduciary services and why they matter

What you may not recognize is that you may likely also wear another important fiduciary hat based on your control and authority over the administration of the plan.

Retirement Plan
Did you know you are a fiduciary?

Did you know you are a fiduciary?

Plan sponsors like you are, by definition, a fiduciary of your plan because you exercise control over, and act on behalf of, your plan.

Retirement Plan
When to set sail with safe harbor

When to set sail with safe harbor

The IRS put in place rules to assure your plan benefits rank and file employees and not just company owners and highly compensated employees.

Retirement Plan
Cash balance plans

Cash balance plans allow six-figure annual contributions

Cash Balance plans can help high-income earners build substantial retirement savings in a relatively short amount of time, but they're not for everyone.

Retirement Plan
Defined benefit plans

Defined benefit plans are alive and well

For smaller, more mature companies, a defined benefit plan can be a great vehicle to help you and your employees prepare for retirement.

Retirement Plan
Employee financial wellness

Financial wellness is essential to saving for retirement

The retirement plan at work doesn't have a chance to be successful without a helping hand and tools to achieve financial wellness.

Retirement Plan
To Roth or not to Roth

To Roth or not to Roth

Just like the original Roth IRA, the Roth 401(k) account has the specific advantage of growing tax-free, but the 401(k) version doesn't have the associated income limits.

Retirement Plan
Understanding why a QDIA matters

Understanding why a QDIA matters

A QDIA is designed to meet the criteria of a specific regulation - ERISA section 404(c) - which provides you with a safe harbor from fiduciary liability for investment decisions made by your employees in their 401(k) accounts.

Retirement Plan
Retirement plan auto-enrollment

Auto-enrollment and auto-escalation

An important way to help your employees make real progress for themselves is to offer auto-enrollment and auto-escalation features in your 401(k) plan.

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Risk Management & Cybersecurity

Corporate Transparency Act

New Treasury reporting requirement goes into effect soon

Starting January 1, 2024, millions of small businesses must file the new Beneficial Ownership Information Report with the Treasury.

Protect your mobile device

5 tips that will protect your mobile device

A cybersecurity spring cleaning checklist should include your mobile device. Here are five things you can do to manage your device’s cybersecurity risks.

Risk Management
Risk management webinars

Risk management webinars

Watch on-demand webinars covering various risk management topics. The on-demand webinars are available 24/7 for your convenience.

CFO role in cybersecurity

The CFO's role in cybersecurity

CFOs can play a key role in establishing a cybersecurity risk management program to help achieve business objectives.

Risk Management
Accounting turnover and internal controls

How to manage turnover with internal controls

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, many accounting departments are experiencing turnover. An open position can leave your company at risk.

Cybersecurity checklist

Checklist: Implement these cybersecurity measures now

By completing this checklist, organizations can earn quick wins toward boosting their cybersecurity practices and organizational resilience.

Managing cybersecurity

Three simple cybersecurity questions that work

Cybersecurity is a complex topic. These three questions can help narrow your focus and provide a sustainable approach to managing your cyber risk.

Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC)

New cybersecurity standards required for Department of Defense contractors

New guidelines mandate all DOD suppliers earn CMMC compliance. Learn more about the CMMC and action you need to take.

Risk Management
Governance, risk management, compliance

Four risk management questions for every organization

An organization that manages its risk can retain most of the upside while mitigating the downside.

Risk Management
Unemployment benefits fraud

Beware of increased unemployment fraud

COVID-19 has increased the number of unemployed filings and unemployment benefits, resulting in more fraud due to identity theft.

Business intelligence 101

Find the story in your data

New to business intelligence? Want to start making better business decisions? This extensive primer will help you get started.

Risk Management
IT governance

IT governance drives better outcomes

Today’s reliance on technology introduces risk. Managing that risk requires effectively integrating sound IT practices into an organization’s overall governance framework.

W2 scam protect your employees' information

IRS warns employers of W-2 scams

Identity thieves prey on businesses and organizations of all sizes given the fact that they hold sensitive tax data on their employees

Risk Management
Watch out for tax-related identity scams all year long

Tax-related identity scams

The IRS has taken successful steps to reduce tax-related identity theft, but it cautions taxpayers to stay alert for scams year round.

Risk Management
Information security questions for leaders

5 Questions for Leaders

If something as small as a smart phone has the potential to put your entire business in jeopardy, why do business leaders avoid analyzing and managing their information security risks? These questions can get you started.

Phishing liability

ALERT: Phishing Responsibility

An employer could face legal action and be forced to pay financial damages for an employee’s mistake.

Equifax breach

FTC: Consider Freezing Credit

Following the Equifax data breach, the Federal Trade Commission recommends consumers consider a freeze with credit reporting agencies.

Cyberattacks lessons

3 Cyber-Attacks to Learn From

Avoid becoming a victim of devastating cyber-attacks by learning from these three incidents.

Risk Management
Workers compensation

What Injuries Aren't Covered?

Workers' comp insurance covers most, but not all, on-the-job injuries. However, it does not cover the following...

Email phishing

How to Prevent Phishing Attacks

Use these tips to help stop phishing emails from harming your organization.

Phishing toolkit

Our Phishing Prevention Toolkit

Phishing is a top cybersecurity threat for every organization. It can cause problems ranging from inconvenience to catastrophic interruption.

Risk Management
Prevent payroll fraud

8 Tips to Prevent Payroll Fraud

From fraudulent expense reimbursement claims, to claiming overtime for hours not worked, to adding "ghost employees" to the system, there are myriad ways in which fraud can infiltrate your payroll.

Risk Management
Handcuffed active shooter

Active Shooter in the Workplace

There is no one-size-fits-all plan, but here are three steps you and your staff should take to increase your chance of survival.

Risk Management
Managing fraud checklist

Checklist For Managing Fraud

No checklist can protect an organization from the possibility of fraud, but there are many preventive actions that can reduce a potential fraudster’s opportunities to do harm.

Cybersecurity questions

Cybersecurity Questions

Leadership – including boards, top-level executives, and others – must be constantly aware of and asking questions about their organization's cybersecurity.

Risk Management
Avoid identity theft

IRS Helps You Avoid Identity Theft

Criminals have a variety of methods to steal your private data. The IRS wants you to understand how they operate so you can avoid becoming the victim of a scam artist.

Risk Management
Prevent fraud

Preventing Fraud At Your Organization

Although small or medium-sized entities likely don’t have the resources for sophisticated fraud-prevention strategies, this eBook outlines ways to mitigate the most important fraud risks.

Risk Management
Prevent payroll fraud

Prevent Payroll Fraud

Payroll and money theft begins with a person(s) giving signs of stealing. There are common signs you should be cognizant of as a business executive.

IT risk

IT Risk: Whose Risk Is It?

In an era of constant potential cyber-breaches and attacks, who is ultimately responsible for making sure that sensitive information is secure?

Risk Management
Prevent cash fraud

How You Can Prevent Cash Fraud

What steps can you take, if they're not already employed, to protect your org. against cash fraud? For the short answer, look at our brief presentation.

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Succession & Exit Planning

Succession & Exit Planning
Business exit planning essentials

Exit planning essentials: A blueprint & a general contractor

Exit planning can be intimidating, which is why it is important to plan ahead. Learn more about the two most essential parts of reaching your exit goals.

Succession & Exit Planning
2020 estate planning

One shot at 2020 estate planning

With the looming election and low interest rates, now is an opportune time to transition ownership. Act now in considering your 2020 estate planning.

Success & Exit Planning
Business transition webinars

Business transition webinars

Watch on-demand webinars covering various business transition topics. The on-demand webinars are available 24/7 for your convenience.

Succession & Exit Planning
Succession and Exit Planning Podcast

Podcast: Succession Planning & Taxes

Learn about succession planning, tax concerns and how to get your business ready for a transition that maximizes returns and business value, while managing the tax implications so you don't overpay your obligations to Uncle Sam.

Succession & Exit Planning
Succession and Exit Planning Podcast

Podcast: Business Succession Planning Concerns

When it comes to family business succession planning, there are several important questions you must answer as you start the planning process. Are you ready to step away?

Succession & Exit Planning
Succession and Exit Planning

Are There Gaps in Your Succession or Exit Plan?

Take a holistic approach to determine whether there are gaps in your existing plans or get your planning started by considering these questions.

Succession & Exit Planning
Factors affecting business price

Business Sale Price Factors

Learn about 5 critical areas of a business often overlooked when selling a business.

Succession & Exit Planning
Business successors

Selling Your Business?

For a successful transition of your business’ ownership, remember these tips.

Succession & Exit Planning
Build your talent bench

Build Your Talent Bench

This worksheet can help guide you through the process of selecting potential candidates based on the needs of each role and determining what will be necessary to ready them for the transition.

Succession & Exit Planning
What drives a business' value?

Business Value Drivers

Value drivers for closely held companies either reduce risk or increase growth/return. Learn more about the four critical value drivers that can influence your business' worth.

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Property Tax Increase

Kansas Orders Independent Reappraisal of Sedgwick County Properties – Tax Increases Likely

The Kansas Department of Revenue has initiated a third-party market-based appraisal process for commercial properties in Sedgwick County.

Court of Appeals Building

Injunction Reinstated on December 26, 2024: BOI Reporting Requirements on Hold

The appeals court reinstated the injunction, temporarily pausing the BOI filing requirement once again.

Tax webinars

Tax webinars

Watch on-demand webinars covering various tax topics. The on-demand webinars are available 24/7 for your convenience.

Treasury Department

The Latest Update Regarding BOI Reporting Including New Deadlines

Following a federal Court of Appeals decision, reporting companies are once again required to file Beneficial Ownership Information.


Federal Court Enjoins Enforcement of Corporate Transparency Act

A federal court has temporarily halted enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), which took effect on January 1, 2024, and required companies to file BOI reports by December 31, 2024.


Corporate Transparency Act – Beneficial Ownership Reporting

Have you already responded to FinCEN’s new Corporate Transparency Act – Beneficial Ownership Reporting? If not, you could be subject to fines of up to $10,000 and face criminal charges.

IRS focusing on ERC claims

IRS says supply chain disruption does not guarantee ERC eligibility

The IRS recently addressed whether ERC claims based on generic supply chain issues during the COVID pandemic satisfy ERC requirements.

Real estate deductions

Claiming big first-year real estate depreciation deductions

Learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of claiming big first-year real estate depreciation deductions.

Business travel deductions

Traveling for business this summer? What you can deduct

There are several considerations to keep in mind when traveling for business this summer. Here is what you need to know.

KS apprenticeship tax credit

New Kansas tax credit encourages apprenticeships

Kansas recently signed into law a tax credit that offsets employers’ costs associated with apprenticeships. The credit applies to businesses and non-profits.

Key tax issues in business transactions

Tax issues in M&A transactions

With merger and acquisition activity on a projected rise in 2023, it is helpful to understand the two approaches to this type of transaction: Stock and asset.

2023 HSA limits

2023 limits for employers that have or want to establish HSAs

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) offer a tax-advantaged way to ensure employees’ future medical needs are met. Here are the new amounts for 2023 for eligibility and contribution limits.

Computer software cost deduction

How does your business deduct computer software costs?

Your business deducts computer software expenses depending on whether it is purchased, leased, or developed. Find out if you need to change your treatment of costs.

Inventory check LIFO

How to minimize the S corporation LIFO recapture tax

When converting from a C corporation to an S corporation, there may be tax implications if you use the last in, first out (LIFO) inventory method.

Choosing C corporation

Choosing a business entity? Here are the pros and cons of a C corporation

Like every option you make when starting a business venture, there are potential advantages, disadvantages, and requirements to meet.

QBI deduction overview

What you need to know about the QBI deduction

This deduction can reduce taxable income. It is available to a variety of taxpaying entities. Find out if you qualify for the deduction.

Kansas PTE law act now

Kansas tax law requires action now for the SALT cap workaround

Kansas is helping PTE partners/shareholders reduce their federal income tax liability. To benefit, action is needed now.

ERTC scams and IRS

IRS addresses aggressive Employee Retention Credit claims

Recent Employee Retention Credit schemes prompts IRS to address the issue. Learn more about promised tax savings that are too good to be true.

Work opportunity tax credit

Work opportunity tax credit provides help to employers

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit is available to employers that hire workers from targeted groups who face significant barriers to employment.

Business real estate

Separating your business from its real estate

Does your business put its property title in its name? Any short-term benefits may be outweighed by the tax, liability, and estate planning advantages of separating real estate from your business.

Year-end tax planning

Year-end tax planning ideas for your small business

For most businesses, deferring income and accelerating deductions will produce good results. Here are some additional ideas that may help you save.

Partnership pass through

Do you know how your business partnership is taxed?

Determining your partnership’s income, gains, losses, deductions, and credits makes it possible to pass through partners their share of these items.

deduction for corporations receiving a dividend

Is your corporation eligible for the dividends-received deduction?

It is designed to reduce or eliminate an extra level of tax on dividends received by a corporation. See if you could benefit.

tax issues when changing corporation type

What to know when converting from a C to an S corporation

Before you convert your C corporation to an S corporation, we suggest learning more about these four important issues.

2022 IRS standard mileage rate deduction

IRS raises standard mileage rate for business vehicles

Normally, the IRS updates the mileage rates once at the end of the year. But, because of soaring gas prices, the tax agency made an exception.

Kansas PTE law

Kansas signs SALT cap workaround into law

The revenue-neutral provision allows pass-through entities to pay state income taxes at the entity level.

Kansas R&D tax credit

Kansas expands R&D tax credit

Kansas increased the R&D tax credit for all, reversed its policy for pass-through entities, and created the ability to transfer credit for cash.

Kansas aviation tax credit

Tax credits available for KS aviation sector

Kansas legislature recently passed tax credits geared toward recruiting and retaining workers for the aviation sector.

2022 meal deduction

Fully deduct business meals during 2022

Under Covid-19 relief laws, businesses can deduct 100% of certain business meals until December 2022.

AGH drafts Kansas tax legislation

AGH drafts SALT cap workaround bill for Kansas legislature

The KSCPA is working with AGH to draft a revenue-neutral bill for Kansas that would allow pass-through entities to pay state income taxes at the entity level.

2022 tax limits

Tax limits affecting businesses increase for 2022

The new tax limits are out for 2022. See how inflation has affected several limits for businesses and what it could mean for your organization.

Tax benefit of like-kind exchanges

Defer tax with a like-kind exchange

If you have commercial or investment real estate with significant appreciation, then you need to know about “like-kind” exchanges.

Cost segregation study

Get your piece of the depreciation pie now

A cost segregation study may allow you to accelerate depreciation deductions. Doing so could reduce your tax burden and free up cash for your business.

Tax law update

Debate continues in Congress over proposed tax changes

A couple of bills working their way through Congress may contain significant tax law changes. See what is in the works.

Ways & Means proposed tax plan

Democrats release details of proposed tax increase

U.S. taxpayers have been awaiting the tax implications of last fall’s elections. While the overall tax hikes are less than President Biden’s original plan, many are still significant.

Employee education assistance

Providing education assistance to employees? Follow these rules

Some employers offer educational assistance plans as a recruitment and retention tool. Here are the rules to help ensure the fringe benefit is tax free to employees.

Business travel tax reminders

Traveling for business again? What can you deduct?

As we continue to come out of the pandemic, you may be traveling again for business. There are several rules for deducting your out-of-town business travel expenses within the U.S.

Independent contractor reclassification

Ensure the IRS doesn’t reclassify contractors

Employee or independent contractor? That’s the question businesses ask when they bring on certain workers. Here are the basic rules to help keep you out of tax trouble.

Biden tax proprosal

Biden administration proposes far-reaching tax overhaul

If you are trying to keep straight all of the tax proposals the Biden administration has recently announced, here is a handy guide.

When to use an S corporation

Should you choose an S corporation?

An S corporation provides many benefits. Read why it may be the best choice for your situation.

American Rescue Plan Act tax credits

American Rescue Plan Act extends tax credits for employers

ARPA extends and expands tax credits previously established under COVID-19-related stimulus bills.

Individual tax deadlines extended

Individual tax return filing deadlines delayed

Due to COVID and stimulus bills, the IRS has extended the individual tax return deadlines. The Kansas Department of Revenue has followed suit.

ARPA business effect

Business highlights in the new American Rescue Plan Act

You’ve probably heard about the new law that provides direct payments to eligible individuals. But what does the law provide to businesses?

American Rescue Plan Act

Congress passes American Rescue Plan Act

Learn more about key provisions for businesses and individuals in the latest COVID-19-related stimulus bill.

Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) extended

Work Opportunity Tax Credit extended

If you are hiring from one or more targeted groups, a recent tax law may have extended a tax credit for you. The WOTC was set to expire on December 31, 2020, but is now extended through December 31, 2025.

Capital account reporting

New capital account reporting requirements for 2020

Taxpayers should begin formulating a plan to ensure compliance with this new tax-basis method reporting mandate.

2021 tax calendar

2021 tax calendar: Important deadlines

With 2020 finally in the rearview mirror, and the next tax season warming up, here’s a list of important 2021 tax deadlines.

New COVID relief law

New COVID-19 relief bill update

The new law provides business meal deductions, PPP loan changes, and more help for businesses.

Additional COVID stimulus passed

Congress passes additional coronavirus relief

$900 billion package provides economic relief to millions of Americans and small businesses.

PPP loan forgiveness update

IRS goes all in on PPP expenses

The IRS published guidance providing information on the deductibility of expenses that are considered eligible when applying for PPP loan forgiveness.

2021 IRS cost of living adjustments

IRS issues 2021 cost-of-living adjustments

Consider these 2021 cost-of-living adjustments as you complete year-end tax planning and plan for next year.

Year-end tax planning during uncertainty

A turbulent year shakes up tax planning

Election years often lead to uncertainty, but 2020 takes the cake. Luckily, several new opportunities arose thanks to federal tax relief legislation.

Year-end tax planning during COVID

Unusual year steers year-end tax strategies

COVID once again influences business planning. Learn more about how this unusual year has affected year-end tax planning.

Main Street Lending Program changed

Main Street Lending Program loan requirement lowered

The Federal Reserve recently lowered the Main Street Lending Program minimum loan size requirement from $250,000 to $100,000.

SBA scrutiny of PPP loan forgiveness

SBA scrutiny of larger PPP loans

The Small Business Administration is seeking information from an estimated 52,000 Paycheck Protection Program loan recipients regarding their proceeds.

2020 election and taxes

How do the Republican and Democratic tax plans differ?

With the upcoming presidential election, it may be helpful to better understand each candidate’s position on taxes and their plan.

Bonus depreciation

5 key points about bonus depreciation

Depreciating assets involves a complex area of tax law with implications for transactions other than simple asset acquisitions.

PPP loan forgiveness consequences

The possible tax consequences of PPP loans

Businesses that received PPP loans should be aware of the tax consequences. Here’s a look at the issue.

Start up expenses

How to treat start-up expenses on your tax return

In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, some entrepreneurs are kicking off new businesses. Here’s how start-up expenses must be handled on a federal tax return.

PPP good faith certification

New flexibility provided in approval of PPP bill

Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act extends covered period, makes lending terms more favorable and addresses other details that have challenged organizations.

HSA amounts 2021

IRS releases 2021 HSA amounts

Review the many advantages of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), along with the HSA inflation-adjusted amounts for the 2021 calendar year.

PPP forgiveness update

PPP loan forgiveness application now available

Loan forgiveness details include a new Alternative Covered Period and documentation requirements.

PPP good faith certification

New SBA guidance on PPP good-faith certification

New FAQ addresses how SBA will review the required good-faith certification of borrowers concerning the necessity of loan requests.

PPP FAQ from Treasury

Treasury issues new FAQ for PPP

The new FAQ extends the repayment date to May 14 and indicates that additional guidance is also expected from SBA.

PPP good faith certification

PPP borrowers can return funds without penalty

This alert summarizes the “good faith” certifications required by the PPP and addresses recent guidance from the Treasury Department and SBA.

PPP costs non-deductible

Important IRS news on PPP expenses

IRS Notice indicates that expenses paid to qualify for loan forgiveness under PPP will not be deductible.

COVID-19 assistance

COVID-19 assistance recap

In the wake of the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, the IRS and U.S. Department of Treasury are providing taxpayers additional relief to ease tax burdens.

Simplified Employee Pension

Do you have a SEP?

Do you own a business but haven’t gotten around to setting up a tax-advantaged retirement plan? Fortunately, it’s not too late to establish one and reduce your 2019 tax bill.

CARES Act financing options

CARES Act: PPP & other financing options

Act creates a new SBA Paycheck Protection Program to provide funding to qualified small businesses and certain non-profit organizations.

CARES act passed by Congress

CARES Act provides needed relief

Massive stimulus bill approved to address the financial and health care crisis resulting from COVID-19 pandemic.

Kansas extends tax filings and payments

Kansas extends tax filings and payments

Executive Order extends tax filing and payment deadlines to July 15, but does not defer estimated tax payments.

Latest COVID related tax information

Latest information on federal and state extensions

This page will track all tax related changes due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Current as of March 23, 2020.

Coronavirus Response Act

President signs Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Act includes important provisions designed to aid the economy, support individual financial stability and curb the spread of COVID-19.

Proposed meal deduction regulations

Proposed meal deduction

The proposed regulations provide that the deduction limitation rules generally apply to all food and beverages, whether characterized as meals, snacks or other types of food or beverage items.

2020 tax deadlines

2020 tax calendar

Review this summary of when various tax-related forms, payments and other actions are due to make sure you don’t miss any important 2020 deadlines.

Tax changes, retirement and estate planning implications

Newly enacted and extended tax breaks

Two laws passed just before the end of the year could have substantial repercussions for tax, retirement and even estate planning.

State sales tax exemptions

Utility bills may mean lower tax payments

If utilities are consumed in the process of making a product, you may be eligible for a sales tax exemption covering utility costs.

Charitable guidance given the TCJA

Charitable guidance following federal tax reform

New limitations on itemized deductions effective for tax years beginning in 2018 may impact the tax benefit of charitable donations.

Year-end tax strategies

New year-end tax strategies emerge after TCJA

The passage of the TCJA brought changes to the tax landscape. Some tried-and-true strategies have changed and others remain viable.

Opportunity zone incentives

Opportunity Zone tax incentives

Taxpayers generally may rely on these rules if they apply them in their entirety and in a consistent manner.

Deductions for meals and entertainment update

Business meal expense deduction update

IRS issues guidance that confirms the deduction remains allowable and clarifies when businesses can claim it.

Is changing your business structure to a C Corp. the answer?

A closer look at S Corp v. C Corp

After the TCJA, C Corporation income tax rate was reduced dramatically, tempting business owners to change their business structures.

Aggregating business activities for qualified business income deduction

Aggregating business activity for income deduction

The aggregation rules can provide a significant benefit to taxpayers with higher taxable income subject to the phase out limitations.

Qualified business income deduction definitions

Definitions for QBI deduction rules

Recently released IRS guidance addresses definitions for what constitutes an eligible business for qualified business income deduction purposes.

Capital gain deferral

Capital gain deferral opportunity

You may be eligible to invest capital gain recognized after 1/1/18 into a Qualified Opportunity Fund to access benefits.

IRS clarifies home equity deduction

Good News for Home Equity Borrowers

In an effort to address confusion over certain changes to deductions on home equity loans, the IRS has issued a statement.

Tax reform 2.0

Is more tax reform on the horizon?

While many individuals and businesses are still working to fully understand how the provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act affect them, lawmakers are prepping for Tax Reform 2.0.

Online sales tax

Supreme Court opens door to taxation of online sales

If you are a remote seller, make sales online or make sales into multiple states, you may be impacted by a recent ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Business interest expense deduction limit

TCJA: New limit on business interest expense deductions

Prior to the TCJA, most taxpayers were unaware of the interest limitation because it only applied to corporations in very limited circumstances.

Not-for-profit taxable income

Taxable Income for Not-for-Profits

How not-for-profits can know when income is subject to tax.

Qualified business income deduction flowchart

QBI Deduction Flowchart

The qualified business income deduction is a valuable opportunity for businesses that operate as pass-through entities.

TCJA depreciation and expensing

TCJA: Depreciation and Sec. 179 Expensing

Provisions related to depreciation and expensing of fixed assets have been modified under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

TCJA pass-through entities provisions

Pass-through provisions of the TCJA

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act contains valuable opportunities for businesses that operate as pass-through entities.

Deductions for meals and entertainment

Tax Changes for Meals and Entertainment

The Tax Cuts and Jobs act has changed the deductibility of business-related meals and entertainment.

Proposed Congressional tax reform effect on itemized deductions

Highlights of the New Tax Reform Law

The new tax reform law, commonly called the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” (TCJA), is the biggest federal tax law overhaul in 31 years, and it has both good and bad news for taxpayers.

Conservation easement tax deduction

Land Conservation with Tax Benefits

Property donation to a qualified entity delivers tax deduction while allowing continued use of the land via conservation easement.

Partnership tax risks

IRS increases tax risks to partnerships

Action may need to be taken now to amend your partnership agreements to allow for these changes and who makes these decisions.

Work opportunity tax credit

How to Apply for WOTC Credits

Reference for employers seeking Work Opportunity Tax Credit for hiring employees in targeted groups – forms and deadlines

Work opportunity tax credit

Employers: Tax Credits for Hires

File for Work Opportunity Tax Credit within 28 days of hiring eligible employees to potentially earn tax credits.

Tax scams

Watch for these new tax scams

Taxpayers receiving requests for personal info or tax/fee payment should make sure they’re legitimate before responding.

Treating partners as employees

Treating Partners as Employees

A common question among partnerships with service partners is whether those service partners may be treated as employees of the partnership.

Don't treat partners as employees

Don't Treat Partners as Employees

The IRS issued temporary regulations in May clarifying that partners in a partnership entity cannot be treated as employees of the partnership.

IRS seeing rise in scams

IRS Seeing Rise In Scams

We recommend you educate employees on how to help protect the organization and themselves from scams. These 5 simple steps are a good start.

Common IRS questions

Common IRS Questions

The IRS has changed the services they can provide through their toll-free number. They are guiding taxpayers to use the Internet to find the answers to most of their tax inquiries.

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